Thursday, May 12, 2011

Computer Repair Los Angeles, Santa Monica and Marina Del Rey

Santa Monica|Los Angeles|Marina Del Rey computer repair and services.


Hey, you and I both know that on land or sea we need our computers.

We expect them to operate like the dishwasher or TV.


We press a button and they turn on.

It's like magic, isn't it?

Yeah, it seems so.

You know, I don't want to burst your bubble.

But... sooner or later your computer will have a problem.

It is not a matter of IF but WHEN.

So, when the inevitable happens, who you goanna call?

I call No Sweat !!! Computer Consultants at 310-392-4840, 2700 Neilson Way in Santa Monica, CA.

Why? It's best explained by Clicking Here Now ==> Computer Repair Los Angeles|Santa Monica.

I was very impressed by all their Video Client Feedback, which proved to me they know what they're doing and are a most reliable computer repair business with excellent technical and people skills.

My computer wouldn't boot into Windows and they fixed it quickly and professionally.

Let me know about your experience.

Now, right now, while you are thinking about it, give them a call at 310-392-4840.

Get more info and some FREE stuff by Clicking Here Now ==> Los Angeles|Santa Monica|Marina Del Rey|Computer Repair.

Capt. Jack Strong
Marina Del Rey